The Four Directions Umbria Italy Retreat Oct 17-22 2024


You are invited to spend five magical days in Umbria, Italy, to reclaim your balance and joy of life

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You are invited to spend five magical days in Umbria, Italy, to reclaim your balance and joy of life

You are invited to spend five magical days in Umbria, Italy, to reclaim your balance and joy of life

Amazing sites, thermic bath, private chefs

We are very excited about the Retreat to Umbria.


You are receiving this because you expressed interest in joining.

We genuinely hope you do since we believe it will be powerful and unique.


We are limiting it to a small group of participants to keep the Retreat personal and intimate.


It will be first come, first serve.

If you are ready to join, please let us know as soon as possible to ensure your spot.


The trip will take place on Thursday, October 17th, 2024, arrival, and end on Tuesday, October 22nd. 2024.


A Full moon called Hunters will welcome us, adding a magical touch to this beautiful landscape.


The trip will include a double occupancy room in a lovely countryside Villa.


If you are traveling with a beloved family member or a close friend, we will make every effort to have you stay together.


If you need a room for yourself, please reach out to discuss that option, which we can accommodate at an additional charge.


Trip includes:


Accommodations, double occupancy.


The retreat is led by Rafael Prion, Guy Felixbrodt, and Dror Ashuah


Several local fun and exciting excursions.


3 Vegetarian meals a day, cooked by a private chef or arranged in a local Restaurant.


Trip from Airport in Rome to Umbria (if you plan to arrive in the window, we have for pick up).


The trip does not include the following:


Airfare/travel to Rome from your home and back.


Spa treatments if you choose to have any.


Food that we have not planned in our pre-organized meals at the location or at a restaurant.


Items you wish to purchase in the towns we visit.


Alcoholic beverages.


Some information about the facilitators:


Raphael Prion is a leading therapist and teacher in sound healing who uses the power of sounds and frequencies to promote healing, balance, and harmony in the body and mind. With rich experience and in-depth knowledge, Raphael brings a unique and empowered approach to the world of complementary medicine and helps many people experience a deep change and release of physical, mental, and emotional barriers. Through his innovative work, Raphael inspires many and leads the field of * geometric sound healing space sessions to new heights.


Guy Felixbrodt, a social entrepreneur and motivational speaker about PTG (Post Traumatic Growth), has years of international experience in leadership, facilitating workshops, and consulting.

During his 22 years living in New York State, Guy founded a preschool that grew to become a non-profit and a private school. Guy has published a book of poetry and blogs and is the first in the world to complete an Ironman triathlon while barefoot—a feat he completed as part of the method he developed called "Meaningful Athletics!” Guy is also a holistic practitioner of energetic cleaning, rebalancing, and channeling.



Dror Ashuah is an internationally recognized inspirational speaker, intuitive, and channel.

 Dror Ashuah earned a Master’s degree from Harvard University in Human Development and Psychology. 

He is the Author of the four-book series “Conversation With Angels” His extensive worldwide travels, combined with studies in mysticism, crystals, and Shamanism, 

have contributed to his understanding of the messages about human consciousness. Dror founded the V-Hives retreat centers in NY, USA, Tulum – MX, and Umbria -Italy.   For more info visit us at


For more information on Dror, press the link to his website below.


The trip cost is $1750 per person in a double occupancy room.


A deposit of $500 is required to hold your spot. To reserve your spot, please go to


Once you let us know you wish to embark on this journey, we will send you full trip details, a letter of confirmation, and deposit information.


We are grateful for your interest and trust that this journey will be extraordinary if you choose to be present!



 Rafael Guy & Dror 


Dror +1-917-322-9331