Be the change you want to see in the world.”

_ Ghandi

We present you with a door, an invitation to do just that.

We believe that the one who has transformed their lives through personal example ripples the new positive vibration to their immediate circle and beyond, creating a more powerful positive lasting change than any other means of communication.

Our invitation is simple:

Show up!!

We bring you to the gate, open it for you, support you, and encourage you to move through.

It is on you, however, to do all the rest.

We promise to you that we will do our best to hold space for your journey and give you the best possible conditions to walk safely as one and exit another, better, lighter, healthier, more expanded self-accepting, more self-loving, more balanced with greater luminosity, and power.

The “hundredth monkey effect” is a hypothetical phenomenon in which behavior, energy, or vibration inexplicitly spreads rapidly from one group to all related groups, even if there is no connection between the groups once a critical number has adopted the new vibration.

We invite you to be the hundredth monkey, the one that tips the fulcrum and expedites the ascension of humanity to its next evolutionary level.